Thursday, September 10, 2009

Replace Leaky Vista Windows

Winter is coming and we still have vista windows that leak. The sealant that holds these windows in place and keeps out moister has rotted separated from the glass. What we need to do is cut out the plastic window cover guides away from around the window. These guides go  clear up to the ceiling support. By taking this out I can reach the ring that holds the window in place. The window is actually made up of two pieces:  an inner Plexiglas panel and an outer tempered glass panel. The inner Plexiglass is no longer good.  It is turning yellow and and turning opaque.To make it easier, when we reinsalled the window we left out the Plexiglas, since it did not seem to do much of anything.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Installing Face Frames

Robb came out from Bozeman to help with finish up with the bass wood and help with the face frames which will allow us to install some drawers and cabinet doors.